This excellent adventure began September 3rd when Margaret-Ann and I flew to Calgary and were picked up at the airport by my cousin, Dennis. Dennis and his wife, Val, live six months of the year in the very posh Pinnacle condo -- part of the Silver Tip Resort development on Lady MacDonald Mountain in Canmore, Alberta. While sipping on a glass of wine on Dennis and Val's balcony the first night we were there, another condo owner was heading back to Calgary in his mid-engine Ferrari. Almost two weeks later we saw him return in his Lambourgini. Dennis told us he also keeps a big black Mercedes in the underground parking lot. Wow!
ennis and Val's balcony is the top one on the right.
Just one of the spectacular views of the Rockies from Dennis and Val's balcony. Here a couple of clouds flank the Three Sisters.
Just to the west of the Three Sisters are the Peaks of Lawrence Grassi.
On our way to Banff we stop off for a short walk by Lake Minnawanka.
Margaret-Ann checks out the Bow Falls in Banff.
A small restaurant/pub is perched on the side of a mountain in Banff.
After a wonderful lunch in the Banff Springs Hotel, we snap a picture of the grand hotel as we head back to Canmore.
We stop off at Stoney's Bar & Grill patio at the Silver Tip Golf Club and check out the 18th green.
The next day we head off to the Okanagan Valley, passing through Golden, B.C., and cross the Rockies through Roger's Pass. Here we see some of the glaciers at Roger's Pass.
On our way to Kelowna we pass the historic site at Craigellachie where the last spike was driven in the railway linking Canada from east to west.
Val, Dennis and Margaret-Ann take a walk by The Grand Okanagan Lakefront Resort in Kelowna, B.C.
At our first of 17 wineries visited in five days, Margaret-Ann and Val get ready for some serious wine tasting. Margaret-Ann discovers her, now, favorite white wine... Summerhill's Ehrenfelser.
Margaret-Ann tries to make a new friend at Summerhill Winery.
On one of only two days of rain during our two-week trip, a light mist falls on Dennis, Margaret-Ann and Val as they enter Mission Hill Winery.
After leaving the tasting bar in Mission Hill, the rain has stopped and Margaret-Ann goes right to the source for some further analysis.
Margaret-Ann would like to take home this much wine from the Okanagan.
Greata Ranch is on the west side of Lake Okanagan, south of Kelowna, between Peachland and Summerland.
Lake Breeze and Hillside Cellars (below) wineries are between Penticton and Naramata on the east side of Lake Okanagan.

Margaret-Ann, Val and Dennis gather some information from the self-guided tour at Tinhorn Creek Winery near Oliver.
The view from the restaurant of the Burrowing Owl Winery.

Heading back from the Okanagan, we stop for lunch in Nelson, B.C., and look out over Lake Kootenay.
Back in Canmore, Margaret-Ann and I walk in to town. Here we're on the Trans Canada overpass looking east with the Three Sisters in the upper right.
While in Canmore, Margaret-Ann meets an old friend.
On our third last day in Canmore, we hike up to the Grassi Lakes.
That night, smoke from fires in the Spray Valley hang over the Lawrence Grassi Peaks; completely obliterating The Three Sisters but providing a wonderful sunset.
We ended our trip flying back from Calgary to Toronto on September 16th. We had a wonderful two weeks in Canmore and the Okanagan and thank Dennis and Val for their warm hospitality.