Sunday, March 23, 2008

William at 4 Months - March 23, 2008

Margaret-Ann and I were thrilled to welcome our grandson, William, to our house for the first time for Easter. He brought his parents, Jeremy and Jennifer, along too. Also joining us were his Aunt and Uncle, Meredith and Michael. I think a good time was had by all, but we'll let William give us his view.

So this is Gran and Grandad's house. Not bad. Tell me Dad, will my hands really be as big as yours one day.

Hey, you bears. Can you do this?

This is me trying to be serious.

But not for long. It's party time!

Before you take that picture let me take my fingers out of my mouth. Too late!

Maybe they won't know it's me if I used the old fake beard trick.

Hey! What does I guy have to do around here to get something to eat?

Uncle Mike and Aunt Meredith, do you really think I'm old enough for wine?

Now that's comfortable. I'm giving Uncle Mike's lap a big thumbs up.

Heh, heh, heh. Stayed tuned for my further adventures.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

The Day After A Winter Storm

It started snowing late Friday evening, March 7th, and didn't stop until early Sunday morning. When it was over, we ended up with 33 centimetres (13 inches) of snow! Margaret-Ann and I shovelled before we went to bed on Friday, four times throughout Saturday, and for the last time Sunday morning. The pictures below were taken on Sunday, March 9th around mid afternoon... what a difference a day makes -- the sun was shining with very little wind and the temperature was around 0.

The lawn ornaments beside the front door seem to enjoy the snow. Of course, they didn't have to shovel it!

With spring just two weeks away, snow is piled up almost seven feet on either side of the driveway.

Strong winds during the storm kept most of the snow off the 2nd floor roof, but piled it up about 3 feet on the 1st floor and garage roof.

Thirty-six hours after the storm started and we still haven't seen a plow on the street.

After all that work, I'm not holding up the shovel... the shovel is holding me up!

Saturday, March 01, 2008

William at 3 1/2 Months - March 1, 2008

On Saturday, Margaret-Ann and I babysat our grandson William. Jeremy and Jennifer enjoyed their night out with dinner and a movie. Although he's gettng bigger all the time, William still fits comfortabley in the crook of your arm.