Sunday, October 31, 2010


For this Halloween, Will was almost 3 years old (November 18th is his birthday) and Ben was almost 5 months old (he was born on June 5th). Will was dressed up as a penguin and Ben was a cupcake.

Ben with Margaret-Ann on Halloween. October 31, 2010Ben knows something is up tonight.

Will, in his penquine costume, and Margaret-Ann on Halloween, October 31, 2010Will dressed up in his scary penguin costume.

Margaret-Ann and Ben, in his cupcake costume, on Halloween. October 31, 2010Margaret-Ann with Ben dressed in his cupcake costume.

Jeremy reading to Ben and Will after trick-or-treating on Halloween. October 31, 2010After a hard night of trick-or-treating, Jeremy reads a bed time story to Ben and Will.

Just another excellent adventure for Ben and Will, and the grandparents too!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Autumn in Brampton

On a clear and crisp late afternoon in October, the 30 year old maple tree in front of our house looked pretty spectacular. The dry, warm summer caused the leaves to turn colour a little earlier than usual this year.

