Thursday, June 10, 2010

Another Grandson!!!

The due date for our second grandson (Jeremy, our son, and daughter-in-law Jennifer knew for some time that the next addition was a boy) was June 10th. However, Jenn starting having contractions on Friday, June 4th. Margaret-Ann (who had just returned from visiting her sister in Dallas – good timing!!!) drove down to Toronto to pick up our grandson, Will, and bring him back to Brampton; enabling Jeremy and Jenn to concentrate on more pressing matters. When I asked Will if anything exciting was going on at his house, he said, “no”; but after thinking about it for moment he said, “I think the baby is gong to pop out.”

Well it took a little while – Jeremy took Jenn to the hospital around 12:30 a.m. on Saturday, June 5th – but at 6:21 a.m., 8 pound 10 ounce Benjamin did, in fact, “pop out”. Benjamin, Jenn and Jeremy are all doing fine!!! Jeremy and Jenn again decided on a Celtic/Irish middle name – Fionn (pronounced Fin). Will’s middle name is Eoghain (pronounce Owen).

Will, Margaret-Ann and I drove to the hospital around noon to get our first look at Benjamin.

Will sees his little brother Benjamin for the first time. June 5, 2010Will, looking very pleased, and Margaret-Ann see Benjamin for the first time.


Benjamin on his birthday. June 5, 2010  Baby Benjamin just wants to sleep after a hard day’s work.


Benjamin on his birthday. June 5, 2010  Benjamin has a well deserved rest on his birth day.


Margaret-Ann, Will and Benjamin at the hospital. June 5, 2010Will helps Margaret-Ann with his baby brother.

Jeremy, Jennifer, Benjamin and Will at the hospital, June 5, 2010 Jeremy, Jenn and Will look pretty happy – Benjamin just looks tired.


Benjamin with his big brother Will at the hospital. June 5 2010Will would like to play; Benjamin would like to sleep.


P1020497 copyMother and son relaxing.


P1020500 copyJeremy looks like he wants to join Benjamin in dreamland.


And so another page is turned. Stay tuned as Margaret-Ann and I report on the continuing adventures of Jeremy, Jenn, Will and Benjamin. Welcome aboard Benjamin!!!

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