Saturday, November 20, 2010

Will’s 3rd Birthday

Will turned 3 years old on November 18th and had his clown-themed birthday party the following Saturday on November 20th.

Will's cake at his 3rd birthday party. November 20, 2010.Will’s delicious birthday cake.


Will eyes the cake at his birthday party. November 20, 2010.Will tries to decide how big a slice he’s going to take.


Meredith with Ben at Will's 3rd birthday party. November 20, 2010.Ben and Meredith mug it up for the camera.


Will, Ben and Margaret-Ann at Will's 3rd birthday party. November 20, 2010.Will, Ben and Margaret-Ann having some fun.


Ben and Margaret-Ann at Will's 3rd birthday party. November 20, 2010.Ben and Margaret-Ann pause for a moment.


Will and Jeremy at Will's 3rd birthday party. November 20, 2010.Will and Jeremy seem quite pleased with the way the party is going.


Jennifer, Ben, Will and Jeremy at Will's 3rd birthday party. November 20, 2010.Jennifer, Ben (in the bumble bee hat), Will and Jeremy pose for a family portrait.


Ben at five and a half months old at Will's 3rd birthday party. November 20, 2010.Ben trying to decide whether he’s hungry, or not.


Ben at five and a half months old at Will's 3rd birthday party. November 20, 2010.Ben seems a little happier in this picture.


John, Will, Ben and Margaret-Ann at Will's 3rd birthday party. November 20, 2010.John, Will, Ben and Margaret-Ann as Will’s party winds down.


Will’s 3rd birthday party was a big success… an excellent adventure was had by all who attended!

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