Thursday, April 21, 2011

Jaye – Two Months

Hard to believe it’s been two months since Margaret-Ann and John’s first granddaughter, Jaye, was born to Meredith and Michael. Below are some of the recent pictures of Jaye. Enjoy!

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John holding nine week old Jaye. April 21, 2011Nine week old Jaye with Michael at the doctors for some shots. April 19, 2011Nine week old Jaye. April 19, 2011Eight week old Jaye playing hide-and-seek in the laundry tub. April 15, 2011Margaret-Ann with eight week old Jaye at Mereidth & Mike's house -- Go Habs Go! April 14, 2011Eight week old Jaye having a bath. April 14, 2011Eight week old Jaye having a bath. April 14, 2011Eight week old Jaye bundled up for a walk in her stroller. April 13, 2011Eight week oldJaye asleep on Mike's lap. April 11, 2011Nine week old Jaye playing hide-and-seek on the blanket. April 20, 2011

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