After nineteen-and-a-half years and just over 380,000 kilometres, Margaret-Ann’s 1992 Honda Accord was towed to its final resting place in Klunker Heaven on September 19th. Later that day, she and John went to the Mazda dealer in Brampton and test drove a Mazda2 GS (last year John bought a Mazda3 Sport GS there to replace his 1996 Honda Civic). Margaret-Ann picked up her new Mazda2 GS on September 28th and, although sad to say farewell to the faithful Accord, has really enjoyed the new car – Zoom Zoom!
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Margaret-Ann’s 1992 Honda Accord with the plates already off and waiting for the tow truck.
Margaret-Ann puts on a brave face, hiding her tears behind dark glasses, as she says good-bye to her 1992 Accord.
Margaret-Ann’s 1992 Accord “on the hook” for the last time.
Say hello to the new kid on the block… Margaret-Ann’s silver 2011 Mazda2 GS

Margaret-Ann’s 2011 Mazda2 GS on the right beside John’s slightly bigger 2010 Mazda3 Sport GS.

Margaret-Ann behind the wheel – Zoom Zoom!!!