Monday, October 17, 2011

A Day In The Park

On October 8th, a beautiful fall Saturday, Jeremy, Jennifer, Will and Ben met Holly, a professional photographer (check out her website at -- her blog has the photos shown below) in Toronto’s High Park. The photo session was a gift from Jennifer’s sister, Heather. Below are some of the pictures taken by Holly that day. Nice work, Holly; and thanks, Heather!

Roll the cursor over the pictures to read the captions. Click on a picture to enlarge it, then click on the back arrow button in the top left to return to the blog.

Jennifer, Jeremy, Ben and Will in Toronto's High Park. October 8, 2011Will the super hero in HIgh Park. October 8, 2011Ben in Toronto's High Park. October 8, 2011Ben and Will on a park bench in Toronto's High Park. October 8, 2011Will and Ben walking in Toronto's High Park. October 8, 2011Pirate Will and regular Will in Toronto's High Park. October 8, 2011Ben, Jerermy and Will; Jennifer and Jeremy in Toronto's High Park. October 8, 2011

Wil, Jennifer, Jeremy and Ben in Toronto's High Park. October 8, 2011

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