Friday, October 07, 2011

Autumn Day with Jaye

On this beautiful autumn day, sunny and 18 degrees Celsius, John drove up to Georgetown to go for a walk with his daughter Meredith and granddaughter Jaye. On the way downtown, they stopped at a park so Jaye could have a swing. Then it was back in the stroller for Jaye, and the group continued their walk to the new cheese shop in town. After sampling some wonderful cheese, it was back to Meredith’s house and lunch time for Jay. Another excellent adventure on a splendid fall day!

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Jaye on the swing at the park. October 7, 2011Jaye on the swing at the park. October 7, 2011John with Jaye on the swing at the park. October 7, 2011John with Jaye in the stroller. October 7, 2011John with Jaye., October 7, 2011John with Jaye., October 7, 2011

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