Friday, September 20, 2013

Europe 2013 – Day 5

August 27th – Koblenz, Boppard

Weather – partly sunny and mild.

Overnight the S.S. Antoinette sailed from Cologne and arrived at Koblenz at 8:00 in the morning. After breakfast Margaret-Ann and John went for a walking tour of the old town. Two years ago with Rudi (John’s cousin) and his wife, Barbara, they were here for the Bundesgartenschau (Germany’s Federal Horticultural Show 2011). At that time they took the cable car up to Festung (Fortress)Ehrenbreitstein on the far side of the Rhine. So this time around, they spent all their time on a guided tour of the old town of Koblenz, itself.

After re-boarding the S.S. Antoinette, they sailed further upriver past Stolzenfels and Marksburg castles on their way to Boppard where the ship docked for the rest of the day. After lunch Margaret-Ann and John toured through the old town area of Boppard then returned to the ship for dinner.

At dinner they were surprised to see a very special guest in attendance – see the last picture below.

Tomorrow – sailing through the Upper Middle Rhine Valley past many castles! Like the Captain said, “Just another ABC day… Another Beautiful Church/Cathedral/Castle day!”

Roll the cursor over the pictures to read the captions. Click on a picture to enlarge it, then click on the back arrow button in the top left to return to the blog.

Statue of Kaiser Wilhem I on the Deutsches Eck of Koblenz. August 27, 2013Ornamentation on a bollard on the Mosele River side of the Deutsches Eck in Koblenz. August 27, 2013Statue of Kaiser Wilhem I on the Deutsches Eck of Koblenz. August 27, 2013Sculpture on the grounds of the Ludwig Museum of art in Koblenz. August 27, 2013Basilika St. Kastor in Koblenz. August 27, 2013Margaret-Ann in a courtyard near Basilika St. Kastor in Koblenz. August 27, 2013Basilika St. Kastor in Koblenz. August 27, 2013Fountain in The Square of Goerresplatz tells the entire history of Koblenz. August 27, 2013The face of Hygea, the Greek Goddess of health and beauty atop a building in the Gorresplatz of Koblenz. August 27, 2013Statue of the anatomist and physiologist Johannes Müller in the Jesuitenplatz of Koblenz. August 27, 2013Schangelbrunnen is a spitting boy statue located in the courtyard near the Rathaus of Koblenz. August 27, 2013Schangelbrunnen is a spitting boy statue located in the courtyard near the Rathaus of Koblenz. August 27, 2013Duck In The Fountain sclpture by Edith Peres Lethmate in Koblenz. August 27, 2013Comic statue in Koblenz. August 27, 2013Comic statues in Koblenz. August 27, 2013An old wine bar in Koblenz. August 27, 2013Margaret-Ann on the top deck of the S.S. Antoinette docked in Koblenz. August 27, 2013Statue of Kaiser Wilhem I on the Deutsches Eck of Koblenz. August 27, 2013Statue of Kaiser Wilhem I on the Deutsches Eck of Koblenz. August 27, 2013Festung (Fortress) Ehrenbreitstein in Koblenz. August 27, 2013Bundesamt für Wehrtechnik und Beschaffung (Federal Office for Defence Technology and Procurement) in Koblenz - August 27, 2013The Kurfürstliches Schloss (Electoral Palace) in Koblenz. August 27, 2013Margaret-Ann at the reception area of the S.S. Antoinette docked in Koblenz. August 27, 2013Schloss Stolzenfels (Stolzenfels Castl) near Koblenz. August 27, 2013Marksburg, a fortress above the town of Braubach near Koblenz, is the only medieval castle of the Middle Rhine that has never been destroyed. August 27, 2013Vinyards along the Rhine between Koblenz and Boppard. August 27, 2013Sailing into Boppard, Germany on the Rhine. August 27, 2013Roman ruins in Boppard, Germany. August 27, 2013St. Severus Church in Boppard, Germany. August 27, 2013An old half-timbered tea house in Boppard, Germany. August 27, 2013The S.S. Antoinette docked beside another ship in Boppard, Germany. August 27, 2013Margaret-Ann at dinner on the S.S. Antoinette with the "Alec Baldwin look-a-like" waiter. August 27, 2013

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