This is the twentieth of twenty posts documenting Margaret-Ann and John’s 2011 trip to Europe.
For their last day in Vienna, Edith, Christina, Margaret-Ann and John ate breakfast at the very popular Café Leopold Hawelka, where, although they didn’t see him, it’s claimed that the 100 plus year-old owner shows up every day to welcome customers. From there, they walked to the Stephansdom and climbed the 374 steps to the observation level in the Spire for some breathtaking views of Vienna. Special kudos to Christina, who, like her brother Sepp, has a bit of a fear of heights, but managed to make it to the top.
After the Stephansdom, it was back to the hotel to check out and then a short bus ride to the airport. After very fond farewells, Edith and Christina flew back to Stuttgart and Tübingen, and Margaret-Ann and John to Paris (where they spent the night before flying back to Toronto the next morning).
And so ended day twenty of Margaret-Ann and John’s 2011 European trip. This is the last posting for this trip. Please see "Margaret-Ann and John's Epilogue" below the last picture.
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Margaret-Ann and John’s Epilogue
Our three week trip turned out to be exactly what we thought it would be – a truly excellent adventure; made even more memorable because of the extraordinary efforts of very special relatives!
To Rudi & Barbara, Sepp & Sigrid, Waltraud & Sonny, Edith and Christina, thank you so very much for the pleasure of your company. We would be thrilled to travel with you again, maybe here in Canada the next time!
We hope you have enjoyed viewing these blog posts as much as we did composing them – such wonderful memories! Thanks, again for helping making it possible!!!
John & Margaret-Ann